Support IDF Soldiers Project


In many communities throught Israel, members have gotten together to prepare home cooked Shabbat meals to be delivered to front line soldiers.

There is a tremendous effort to gather food and funds, organize volunteer cooks, packers and drivers.

This is an ongoing weekly effort. My neighbors have been providing 350 meals every Erev Shabbat for months. As I write this, I have been informed that this week, (it Is Ta'anit Esther) they prepared 700 meals.

With this Support IDF Soldiers Project, I am reaching out to you to sponsor hand Matza Seder-Sets for these IDF soldiers.

Please help us show our support for their efforts in protecting Klal Yisroel, not just here in Israel, but how they do, what they do helps protect all of our brothers and sisters globally.

Priced in Shekels, it is approximately $180 for a full case of 20 seder sets. 

When entering your order, at checkout, please use this Discount Code:  IDF

This code will allow us to hold the matza in our fulfillment center until needed.

Tizku  L'Mitzvot Please share this project with as many people as you can. There are 10's of thousands on the borders. 

Let us pray that thay all are home, healthy in mind, body and spritually long before seder night.