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Appeal for Ma’ot Chittim Funds.
Once again, we make our appeal for Ma’ot Chittim Funds. As in past years, we will be giving out over 150 boxes of Healthful Specialty Shmura Matzot to those who have the need but not the funds. We see this need growing. In addition, we give out cash for other Pesach Needs. We give this matza free or at a steeply discounted price, so that those who cannot afford the full price can still participate in purchase their matza.
As in past years, we will be working with Melabev-Beit Shemesh, Sarah Avrahami – the Nachlaot (JM) Chesed Lady, Cong Musar Avicha, as well as individuals in communities throughout Eretz Yisrael.
Please pledge generously; this year we are anticipating requests for families evacuated from both the South and North.
Let me know how much, so that I can start distributing the Matza and cash.
Your pledge will be added to your invoice for matza, and can be paid with your credit/debit card. However, if you make a bank transfer, we will save on processing fees.
Bank Transfer info:
NIS: Discount Bank, Hillel Levin, הלל ליון Snif Ramat Eshkol 109, #7761645 (please send me notice of this transfer and amount)
US$: Chase Bank (using Zelle) use this: (my US Legal Name is Eli Levin)
Or, via PayPal: This email address please add 4% to cover the processing fee.
Tizku L'Mitzvot for your participation in this project.
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