Expanding our Market

As we prepare to enter our 3rd year with www.MatzaMan.co.il we are expanding our market to the Wholesale and Community markets in the USA. In part a Sderot Solidarity Project and in part helping our brothers and sisters bring a little bit of Eretz Yisroel to their Seder Tables. We have launched: www.MatzaMan-USA.com.

We are looking to connect with Kosher Grocers as well as Communities and Schools.

Kosher Grocers.

The Kosher Grocers to offer their customers Quality Handmade Shmura Matza: Whole Wheat, Organic Whole Wheat and Organic Whole Spelt, all baked in Sderot, Israel, just a few miles from the Gaza Strip. Available in bulk in 1 Kilo (2.2 lb), ½ Kilo (1.1 lb) and 3-matza seder sets.

Community and School Fundraising Tool.

For communities and schools, we offer 3-matzot seder sets of both the Handmade Whole Wheat and Organic Whole Spelt matza.

These can be used as a fundraising tool by selling them to their congregants or student body at a premium.

In addition, they can be used as part of a Ma’ot Chittim Project; we have given out hundreds of these seder sets to needy over the years, both individuals as well as working through various social service and Tomche Shabbat organizations.

Shipping challenges.

Creating our website targeting commercial and community clients in the USA has presented some interesting challenges which include overseas shipping options: ship container or air freight, customized shipping charges, commercial client set up and payment arrangements, etc.

We believe that we have met these challenges.

Please share the link to our USA website to your contacts throughout the USA: 


Welcome aboard!

Hillel Leib (Eli L)  ben Michoel Ber HaLevi Levin, the MatzaMan