
Please note: Every order is charged DELIVERY (anywhere in Israel) 50.00 NIS.

If you choose to go to a Pickup Point, the 30 shekel discount will appear on your invoice as a reduction on a separate line.

So, your transportation charge will be the net of 50 NIS less your 30 NIS pickup discount. (20 NIS)


General Area:


Discount Code:

Jerusalem Nachlaot Nachlaot Pickup
Neve Yakov Neve Yakov Pickup
Kiryat Moshe Kiryat Moshe Pickup
Sanhedria Sanhedria Pickup
Mekor Haim Mekor Haim Pickup
Ramot B Ramot B Pickup
Rova Rova Pickup
Beit Shemesh / RBS Sheinfeld Sheinfeld Pickup
RBS A RBSa Pickup
RBS Gimmel RBSgim Pickup
Maale Adumim area Maale Adumim Maale Adumim Pickup