Learn about Gluten Free Oat Shmura Matza

Gluten Free Oat Matza is the only matza available for those who get sick, sometimes very sick, when ingesting gluten, even to the point that many avoid any possible cross contamination.

Those who are blessed with Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease as well as other auto-immune issues exacerbated by gluten can only fulfill the mitzva of Al Achilat Matza at seder, as well as matza on other Passover meals without risking debilitating reactions or worse, by eating GF oat matza.

The GF Oat matza comes with two main challenges:

Taste and Cost:

Taste: Since the only ingredients in GF Oat Matza are oat flour and water, many describe the taste as bitter. Unlike during the year, when one might bake an Oat Challah which usually contains some form of sugar as well as other ingredients which can make GF Oat Challah very tasty, there is nothing that can change the natural bitterness of the oat flour. Also, another reason for the bitterness is the lack of steam used in the Matza oat flour processing that Chametz oat flour has.

So, GF Oat matza is not for ‘tourists.’

Cost: The nature of a Gluten Free flour is there is no ‘glue’ to act as a binder. Thus, about 50% of the flour is lost in the production of GF Oat Matza. During the rest of the year, when producing oat flour, steam is used to keep the oat ‘dust’ from flying around. The problem with this for matza baking is that the steam would render the oat flour chametz.

In addition, since there is no ‘glue’, GF Oat matza is extremely fragile and there is a tremendous amount of breakage; so even that GF Oat flour that makes it through the baking process, often doesn’t survive as Shalaymim (whole) during the boxing process.

All these factors have a direct result in the price of the final products.

There are limited quantities of Hand GF Oat Shmura Matzot, so place your order now.

Tiv Hashibolet (Chabura) Hand Shmura GF Oat Matza 3 Matzot Seder Pack;

Tiv Hashibolet (Chabura) Hand Shmura GF Oat Matza Mostly Shelaymim 500g);

Tiv Hashibolet (Chabura) Hand Shmura GF Oat Matza Shivorim (broken pieces 500g);

baked by a Chabura producing Spelt and GF Oat matza for many years. Produced in Jerusalem, under the supervision B'Datz Eida Charedit

Available in seder 3-packs (about 160g), Mostly Shelaymim ½ Kilo boxes and Shivorim (broken pieces) ½ Kilo boxes.


Lakewood Machine 18-minute GF Oat Matza, produced in Atarot;

produced in Atarot for the Lakewood Matza label, under supervision of Rav Mordechai Gross shlit’a, the Gaavad of the Chanichei Hayeshivos community in Bnei Brak and head of the Badatz Vaadas Mehadrin.

Available in 400g boxes 10 matzot per box. Also in multi-box bundles.


Tiv HaShibolet Machine GF Organic Oat Matza, produced in Atarot;

Baked in Yerushalayim, under the supervision of the Rabbanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin and the OU (Orthodox Union) Kosher is the world’s largest and most widely recognized kosher certification agency.

Available in 400g boxes 10 matzot per box. Also in multi-box bundles.

Also, available as Matza Meal in 400g boxes.