Regular Wheat Shmura Matza

The most widely used grain for Matza is Wheat.

While most people think that all wheat matza is whole grain, the vast majority of wheat matza is not whole grain.

Regular Shmura Wheat flour can be made by removing all the bran. While it is not ‘white’ flour, because that comes from bleaching flour and therefore would make the flour chametz and unsuitable for Passover use. This flour is easier to knead and roll then whole wheat.

However, since some customers have requested Hand Regular Wheat Shmura Matza, we also have added this to our store.

Mehudar Matza Hand Regular Wheat;

Under Mehadrein supervision of 

  • Rav Mordechai Gross shlita, the Gaavad of the Chanichei Hayeshivos community in Bnei Brak and head of the Badatz Vaadas Mehadrin

  • KLC-Kehillos Chareidim Lakewood & Central NJ, 1990 Vaad Harabbonim is formed. The 5 founding rabbonim were: Rav Yaakov Forscheimer, Rav Osher Chaim Lieberman, Rav Gavriel Finkel a”h, Rav Shmuel Meir Katz, and Rav Shimon Eider a”h.  Together, they appointed Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Wiesner as the KCL’s on-the-ground kashrus administrator.

  • cRc (Chicago Rabbinical Council) The largest regional Orthodox organization in North America; an NFP offering a wide variety of Jewish services including kosher product supervision and certification.

Available in 1 kilo (12-13 matzot) and Seder sets of 3 matzot.